Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

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7 Steps How to Achieve Anything That You Want
7 Steps How to Achieve Anything That You Want

Often the person experiencing failure in achieving what he wants. Though he has tried to achieve it in every way, and felt he had to work hard. Unfortunately obtained failures, and finally gave up empty-handed

Success does not always have capital just hard work. There are some things that are often forgotten most people to achieve his wish. In fact, some of it is simple. But this simple thing if not done, will make you achieve whatever you desire.

How exactly how to achieve whatever we want in this life? Here is the explanation

1. Decide what you want

Decide what you really want in life. Often the failure of a person because he did not know what her wishes. He does not know where to go, and finally he himself is not going anywhere.

Take time to determine what goals you want in this life. Imagine if you currently have the power to be able to get anything, ask yourself "What will I achieve." Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what you want. But by doing this step, the journey will be easier to achieve

Desire or goal that you want to achieve must be specific, clear, measurable and time bounded. For example:

* I want to lose weight 10 kg within 5 months
* I would like to have a house worth 500 million, which is the swimming pool, at Surabaya on 1 December 2009
* Etc.

Make your goals as much detail as possible. The more detail you can specify a destination, the easier you achieve them.

2. Write down what you want

The next step, write your wishes on the piece of paper, or book that you will see it every time. By writing your wishes, will ease your mind to always remember it. And always remember, all the resources you have will help you to achieve it. Just imagine the purpose is not enough.

3. Willing to pay the price

Nothing is free in this world, besides the air. Accordingly also to achieve what you want, you have to pay the price. And the price you pay CASH and IN ADVANCE. Prices can not be paid in installments or the back after you succeed.

The prices of a success for example:

- You must provide more time to plan your success
- You must take action starting right now
- You must get up earlier every day
- You must read books and attend seminars
- You have to work even harder than today
- And so forth in accordance with the purpose of your success

Would you pay the price of success above and pay in advance in cash? If you want to succeed, you must be willing!

4. Make a detailed plan

The next step after you are willing to with determination to pay the price of a success is, making a detailed plan. Make a plan to achieve your goals in detail. So, for whatever purpose, you will feel that this goal can be achieved.

It is like that people often say, how to eat an elephant is so great is to cut it into small pieces. Likewise with your life purpose. Registration for any purpose, you can achieve it if you create a detailed plan. So the big goal was to be 'reasonable' for you. While for others it is impossible, because he did not know your plan details

5. Perform in accordance with the plan

At this stage, you already have a detailed plan. Now is the time you make a plan. Take action starting today. Do what you have planned. Plans You only live if you do not plan to do it.

6. Do it every day

You already have a specific purpose, there is an end time with a detailed plan of achievement. Because of that, do you plan each day, so when you arrive at the attainment deadline, you have obtained your goal. Ask yourself, what have I done today that can bring me to my goals?

7. Do not give up

Do not ever give up until you get what you ingikan. If in fact you fail, you have to evaluate yourself, what is the cause of your failure. And after knowing the cause, you have to get up again and do it differently.

All you have to remember is that the difference between a successful person with people fail is how they respond to failure. People fail will always give up when faced with failure and felt he would not be able to achieve it. While successful people will evaluate themselves, and rise again to fight until the goal is reached

Briton killed in Afganista Digranat American Soldier

TEMPO Interactive, London - British social worker who was killed in a rescue operation in Afghanistan was due to a thrown grenade at U.S. troops trying to free himself. He was not killed the kidnappers.
This was stated by British Prime mMenteri David Cameron, on Monday, in London.
Cameron adds, General David Petraeus as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, will investigate the incident off as rescue Linda Norgrove, 36 years old.
Previously, NATO and British officials explained to the public that the death Norgrove bomb blast kidnappers.
Keteranga NATO was denied Cameron, on Monday, after receiving the latest information from Petraeus, on Sunday morning. "NATO's statement is not true."
For that, Mr Cameron will not make a statement about the cause of death of its citizens until there is full investigation results. Britain will join an investigation team of the United States and the British empire.
In a press release issued by Downing Street, President of the United States expressed condolences on the death Norgroves to the Prime Minister Cameron.
"The Prime Minister and President Obama agreed that death is a fundamental problem in hostage rescue operations. Both see problems ahead with ways to make cooperation between Britain and the United States to investigate this case."
Investigations will begin tomorrow or the next two days led by senior officials from the United States Central Command, explained to CNN.

, October 9, 2010
Indonesia's Largest Third World Smokers
Indonesia's Largest Third World Smokers

- Sunday, October 3
[Smokers Indonesia Third Biggest World] Indonesia's Largest Third World Smokers
JAKARTA, - Indonesia is still ranked third for the number of smokers in the world, which is about 65 million people. This figure will continue to rise if the government does not regulate the behavior of smoking and the tobacco industry and cigarette advertising ban does not apply.
This is expressed by the Chairman of the National Commission on Tobacco Control, Laksmiati Hanafiah, when met, Saturday (10/02/2010) on the sidelines of Peace Action Healthy, Smart and achievement without a cigarette that was held at Citywalk Sudirman, Jakarta.
According to the woman who was familiarly called Mia, the age of the smokers in Indonesia, more in the range of 15 to 19 years. "Among 70 percent of the number of smokers is among the lower middle income people," he said.
As a result, continued Mia, the parents of the lack of attention to nutrition among their children. "The money was supposed to buy food, it spent to buy cigarettes," he said.
Secretary General National Commission on Tobacco Control, Suhardi, said that among smokers of low-educated people and lower middle financially less attention to the sentence warning the dangers of smoking.
"Well in the pack of cigarettes, there is a memorial with the picture. For example, images of disease caused by smoking, such as stroke and cancer," said Suhardi.
He revealed, neighboring countries have tried to apply the warning smoke through the picture.
"Malaysia, Singapore and other countries have been practicing them. Evidently, the number of smokers in some countries it has decreased 15-20 percent," he said

Four Italian Soldiers Killed in Attacks in Afghanist

Kabul / Rome (Reuters) - Four Italian soldiers were killed and another seriously injured in rebel attack in western Afghanistan Saturday, the last foreign victims in a war that is now in our 10th year of his.
Violence is now at the worst levels in Afghanistan since the Taliban was toppled by the United States of support troops by the end of 2001. More than 2,000 foreign troops have been killed since the start of the war, more than half of them in the past two years.
"The attack on Italian soldiers is an example of a high human cost that we pay for the mission which is fundamental to our national security," said Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said in a statement.
The soldiers of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), NATO leaders were returning from a mission when their vehicle was attacked by insurgents in Farah province, said a defense ministry spokesman on Italian television.
Deaths add Italian casualties in Afghanistan to 34 people since 2004. Victims are increased in the past have prompted a request from Italy to withdraw from the mission.
Italy has more than 3,000 troops in Afghanistan, mostly deployed in the western part of the country which is usually less harsh than other areas in southern and eastern Afghanistan.
Victims of foreign troops has risen this year, with over 570 soldiers were killed, compared to 521 soldiers during 2009. June was the bloodiest month, with more than 100 foreign soldiers have been killed. More than 20 foreign soldiers killed this month alone.
Now there are almost 150,000 foreign troops in Afghnistan, including about 100,000 American troops. The leaders of the countries that contribute troops are facing great pressure in the country since the war in Afghanistan is increasingly unpopular.
Increased violence in Afghanistan will increasingly burdensome U.S. President Barack Obama when his government faces the mid-time congressional elections next month amid declining public support in the war and war strategy ahead of a review in December.
In December last year, Obama has ordered 30,000 more U.S. troops into Afghanistan to try to reverse the situation, the latter of which has arrived. But he also plans to start repatriating troops in July 2011 and gradually hand over security to Afghan forces.
This year also looks to increase civilian deaths as ordinary Afghan citizens caught in a shootout. According to the UN mid-year report, civilian deaths due to violence increased 31 percent in the first half of 2010.

Friday, October 8, 2010
Mass Student Demo Dutch Embassy

Republika - 1 hour 27 minutes ago
[Mass Student Demo Dutch Embassy]

Mass Student Demo Dutch Embassy

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - About a hundred combined mass of the Student Executive Board in Jakarta protested in front of the Office of the Embassy (Embassy) Netherlands, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Friday (8 / 10). Demo takes place right in front of a posse of about a hundred police personnel.
Members of the police carrying plastic shields right before their bodies. They are also equipped with protective helem. Meanwhile, protesters at tight guard and unable to enter the embassy pages.
Protesters came from all directions, including from Kampung Melayu and Kebayoran Baru. The action began at 14:00 pm until 15:00 pm. Protesters who claim that students carrying flags and banners reading a rejection of the plan of the Human Rights court against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
This man married 130, 210 Birth
By Arfi Bambani Amri - 2 hours 54 minutes ago
[He is married 130, 210 Birth] He is married 130, 210 Birth
VIVAnews - In Kenya, Asentus Ogwella Akuku is a symbol of polygamy. Akuku admitted married 130 times throughout his life, but the law in Kenya only recognizes 40 of them.
At the age of 22 years, Akuku been married five women. At age 35, he married for the 45th time. His friends began calling him "Danger" or "Danger" because of its ability to attract women.
If there is ever an award for the perpetrators of polygamy, Akuku could be a gold medal. Because of the popularity, Akuku charge even when interviewed by the media. Journalists and tourists who visit to his home in Ndhiwa even have to "pay."
First Wife
According to the Kenyan newspaper, The Standard Media, Akuku was first married in 1939 and the last time in 1997 at the age of 79 years. Youngest wife married when aged 18 years and now they have three children.
Akuku claims to have been married 130 times, but only 40 approved local custom. More than 80 wives had been divorced.
A spokesman for the family, Tom Akuku, say from 40 wives, 22 of whom are still alive. "He has 210 children, 104 girls and 106 boys, who some have died," he said.
Akuku descendants now live scattered in Kanyamwa and Aora Chuodho District Karungu Ndhiwa and Nyatike District, Kenya. Some sons and grandchildren get a good education, working for government or private.
"He (Akuku) has become counselor and our protector," said Dorcas Matunga, one daughter-Akuku.
Might Secrets
I've said, the secret is keperkasaannya strict diet. "I avoid a lot of fat and salt and that prevent me from disease," he said.
"I eat on time and did not eat anything outside of time. I eat traditional food prepared well. I always eat fruit after a meal."
As the leader of a large family, known for his discipline Akuku ruled with an iron fist. He memorized the names of all children and arrange a schedule to visit the wife who is where.
"I am divorced women who do not behave well," he said.
However, Akuku also known as a generous man in women. "I live a luxurious life. Always ready to spend money on women," she tells how to maintain closeness with the woman.
"I was nicknamed" Danger "because I beat a lot of men in terms of women. I am very handsome. I dress with style and know how to treat women with sweet talk. No woman can get rid of my approach. I am like a magnet. "
Sunday morning, October 3, 2010, Akuku collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. When I arrived at the provincial hospital at 2 o'clock in the morning, the Akuku died of diabetes that is suffered.
His death left the story of one of the greatest actors who recorded the history of polygamy. One granddaughter, Maureen Ochido call, "my grandfather was very friendly and caring that is often misunderstood."
And their families meet funeral march. So big, so if his wife and son asked his feet, over half of the bereaved will uphold his feet.

Netherlands regrets postponement of President Yudhoyono's visit
Den Haag (AFP / AFP / Reuters) - The Netherlands said on Tuesday it regretted the decision of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to postpone the trip due to a human rights court in Europe that led to his arrest.
"The Dutch government regrets the decision of Indonesian President to postpone his visit," the Dutch government said in a statement.
He added that it had informed the Head of State of Indonesia that he would receive immunity from prosecution.
President Yudhoyono has delayed his visit after he was scheduled to depart for a three-day trip.
Previously, the President is expected to arrive in the Netherlands on Tuesday night. Queen Beatrix is scheduled to greet him at the Palace of Work, followed by a meeting with Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende.

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